Tuesday, April 24, 2012

a quick update

We had both a NST and an OB appointment today.  And all appears great at the moment.

The NST was fairly uneventful.  It took some time to get both Baby A and Baby B to cooperate on the monitors but once on the monitors it only took about 30 minutes for them to pass the test.  Remember the NST is used to measure the heart rate of each baby in response to its movements.  I was also attached to the contraction monitor and of course (in typical fashion) I had some minor contractions.  The contractions were much less intense and occurred in less frequent intervals then in the previous few weeks.  I think my body is responding to the Procardia.  I have noticed an improvement all around.  The nurse took the results to our MFM to review and of course the MFM always gets concerned about the contractions.  The nurse even indicated when she returned to the room that the MFM spent a couple of minutes looking at the printouts and simply scratching the top of his head.  Haha.  We even have the MFM confused at the moment.  He eventually told the nurse, "Ask her if she feels okay.  If she feels okay she can go home."  I felt good so we got to go home!!  We are scheduled back for another NST on May 1st.  Can you believe we might actually make it to next month?  I am trying not to get my hopes up!

We had an OB appointment after our NST.  It was fairly anti-climatic considering we had just come from the MFM.  I have been dealing with a rash on both of my hands for about a week now.  I think it might be a reaction to the Procardia.  Or it could even just be stressed induced.  The OB said I could use an OTC hydrocortisone cream to relieve some of the itching.  I hope this helps as all I have been using the past week is lotion and it does not seem to do a whole lot.  The OB also indicated that she is completely surprised that I have made it to 32 weeks (almost).  And she has stopped holding any expectations about this pregnancy!  I guess she has no idea that I plan to make it to at least 36 weeks.  I must have forgotten to send her the memo.  Anyhow ... she said that she will begin discussions with the MFM between 36 weeks and 38 weeks to decide on when these boys should be brought into the world. The OB did indicate that she would not let me go past 38 weeks.  So the latest these boys can arrive is June 7th!!!  We discussed c-section versus vaginal birth again and it looks like we will probably be going with a c-section at the moment.  Of course the moons could align and I would be able to do a vaginal birth in the end but for a number of reasons a c-section looks like it might be our best option in the long run.  We are scheduled to go back to the OB on May 7th.  We also scheduled the rest of our appointments with the OBs office.  Weird!!  The receptionist scheduled appointments all the way up to June 19th.  I told Kara that if for some bizarre reason I am still pregnant on June 19th that I am coming to the OBs office and chaining myself to a desk until someone delivers the boys.

Please keep growing little ones and stay in my belly!


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