Wednesday, April 22, 2015

i hope this is not a sign

Mama: "How are old are you going to be?"
Alex: "10.  Now put my diaper on! ... Pleeeaaaasssseeeee ..."
Mommy: "No. No. No.  Please tell me you won't be saying that when you do turn 10."


Friday, April 17, 2015

it happened

I got asked today ... "Does Jakob have a Dad?" (and my heart began to race)

TIMMY (a 5-year old with a now made-up name) "Does Jakob have a Dad?"
ME: "No."
JAKOB: "NO! NO! NO! But I have a Grandpa. And a Grandma.  And a Mommy and a Momma.  And a dog." (I was so proud at this moment)
TIMMY "So ... Um ... So .... So ... So .... Where did Jakob come from?'
ME: "He grew in my belly just like you grew in your Momma's belly."
TIMMY "Oh.  Okay.  I think .... But you need a Dad for that to happen."
ME (moment of panic and a VERY LONG pause)
TIMMY "Is that the guy in the white truck?"
ME "Huh?"
TIMMY "There is an old guy that comes to your house in a white truck." (sorry Grandpa)
ME: "No.  That is Jakob's Grandfather.  My Dad."
TIMMY "So you have a Dad?"
ME: "Yep.  I have a Mom and a Dad.  Most kids grow-up in families with both a Mom and a Dad but some kids grow-up in a family with two Dads, or just a Mom, or just a Dad, or two Moms, like Jakob and Alex."
TIMMY "Oh.  Okay .... Jakob - Do you want to play with my transformer?"

and then our neighbor TINA (a 12-year old with a now made-up name) who had been standing with us goes "He SOOO does not get it!"

I think I did okay for my first time!

And another funny conversation after bath tonight.

Jakob was getting out of the tub ...

Jakob: "I naked.  I naked.  I naked, naked, naked ... "
Me: "Yes.  You are naked Jakob."
Jakob: "You are born naked."
Me: "What?  Where did you learn that?"
Jakob: "From Grandma."

(and for the record Grandma did not teach him that)


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

conversations with our kids

Mama: "Alex.  You are so handsome."
Alex: "No.  Don't say things like that."

Mama: "Does milk make you grow big?"
Jake: "No."
Mama: "Do vegetables make you grow big?"
Jake: "No."
Mama: "Does Orange Juice make you grow big?"
Jake: "No."
Mama: "What makes you grow big?"
Jake: "Toys."
