Wednesday, December 14, 2011

NT Scan

We had an appointment with the MFM today and it included our 1st Trimester genetic screening.  The MFM office is actually located at the hospital where I will eventually deliver these little ones so it was nice to get our first feel for the atmosphere of the place.  We arrived to the appointment a bit early because I was a bit worried about parking.  But we did not have any problems which was awesome.  We found the office in the hospital and I got all signed in for the appointment.  We were given a "pager" (like the one you receive when you are waiting for your seat at a restaurant) and told that we could wait anywhere on the first floor and the pager would go off when it was time for our u/s.  This was great!  I was a bit grossed out by the waiting room (imagine a bunch of germ infested kids running around) so Kara and I went out and waited in the hallway.  We only had to wait about 15 minutes before our pager went off.  Nice!  The u/s tech was waiting for us when we got called back.  I really had to pee before the appointment but I was hesitant to do so because I figured as soon as I did they would ask for a urine sample and I would be up a creek without a paddle.  So as soon as the u/s tech started the u/s I heard, "Oh my!  Your bladder is full." ... Yep.  I know.  And you are pushing on it with an u/s probe!  Well ... Baby A and Baby B were being super cooperative (shocker) so the u/s tech wanted to try and get the NT measurements while they were cooperating.  The u/s tech was wonderful and explained everything as she went along.  It took about 15 minutes to get the NT measurements on both of the babies.  She took the measurement multiple times.  I was looking at a monitor across the room so I had to squint a bit but I believe the NT measurement for Baby A was 1.3mm and the measurement for Baby B was 1.4mm.  I think this is good.  Dr. Google tells me the ideal measurement is anything below 2.5mm.  So once the u/s tech got the NT measurements I got to go empty my bladder.  Awesome!  And of course give my usual urine sample.  That was not a problem this time around.  I then went back to the u/s room for the anatomy portion of the u/s.  The u/s tech spent about 30 additional minutes looking at each part of the body.  So cool ... we got to see the bladder, stomach, brain, spine, ribs, diaphragm, arms, hands, legs, and feet of each baby.  And she pointed out everything to us.  I think all looked great.  Each baby was measuring 13w6d (an entire week ahead of schedule) and each baby had a heartbeat of 159 bpm.  Perhaps they are both the same sex??  We also got to see each baby in 3-D.  It was super awesome!  So without further ado I present to you Baby A and Baby B at 12w6d ...

Baby A

Baby B

Both Baby A and Baby B (a 3-D image)

Once the u/s was complete I met with a nurse for some b/w (also for the 1st Trimester genetic screening), to get my blood pressure measured and to get my official weigh-in.  I am still fluctuating between a 1 lb and 2 lb weight gain.  The u/s tech went to discuss the results of the u/s with the MFM while I finished up with the nurse.  The u/s tech came back and said that the MFM said everything looked great at this point in time and we were free to go home.  The results of the u/s and the b/w will be sent to a lab for further processing.  I should receive a call from the MFM in about a week with the official results of the 1st Trimester genetic screening but at first glance all looks great.  And it is a huge weight off of my shoulders.  I just wish I could put into words the magnitude of today's appointment.  It was amazing.  I actually have two little ones growing in my belly.  Huh?  I cannot stop wondering about each one.  Who will they be?  What will they look like?  What will they grow up to do?  Will they continue to be healthy?  So many questions running through my head.  Overall, Kara and I had a great experience today and everyone we met at the MFM office was super nice.  We will definitely not have any hesitation returning to that office for any additional appointments we might need during this pregnancy.

Please keep growing little ones.


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