Wednesday, February 22, 2012

growth u/s #1

We had a growth u/s with the MFM yesterday.  Both babies appear to be doing just great!

Both Baby A and Baby B are weighing-in at 1 lb 5 oz.  To get technical Baby A weighs 596 grams (59th percentile) and Baby B weighs 592 grams (58th percentile).  It is great that each baby weighs just about the same.  There can be growth discrepancies with twins.  That is one reason for the frequent growth u/s's with the MFM office.  We want to make certain that each baby is getting the proper nutrition.  Each baby appears to be measuring at around 23w4d.  So they are still a bit bigger for the gestational age but not enough where my due date will be changed at all.  The u/s tech also took a look at the choroid cysts on the brain of Baby B and while the cysts are still visible they have decreased in size.  The MFM explained that they do not expect the cysts to be gone at this point.  So things seem to be looking good in that area too.  There are still no other markers that would indicate a genetic problem of any sort.

They u/s tech also took some measurements of my cervix and it was measuring between 4cm - 4.6cm.   It was measuring closer to 4cm with pressure applied on my abdomen.  This means my cervical length has actually increased over the last week.  Interesting.  I will take it.  I did not know that could happen.

We got a couple of really good 3D u/s pictures of both Baby A and Baby B.  They are really our first glimpses into their facial characteristics.  You can already tell that both Baby A and Baby B look completely different.  I guess we don't have to worry about them being identical twins!  And Baby A is a spitting image of me.  It was weird.  The u/s tech put the image on the screen and I immediately noticed the lips.  Baby A has these super pouty lips.  It took a few seconds and then it dawned on me that I was looking at myself.  Crazy!  Baby B is super cute too.  Baby B has a broader and wider face.  It actually looked like Baby B was smiling in the u/s picture.  They are both the most adorable babies in the world.  But my opinion is probably a bit biased.

Kara was not able to go the u/s appointment with me yesterday so I had my mom tag along to keep me company.  Plus I thought it would be cool for her to get her first visual images of the boys.  I really think she enjoyed herself.  It was great to be able to share the moment with her.  I think I only heard a few sniffles come from her direction!

A funny story.  The MFM indicated that if I have any problems that I should never hesitate to go up to labor and delivery to get checked out.  He said, "They are available all the the time. And that is their job." ... my response "Yep.  I know."  I guess I could have brought up the fact that I had already hauled my butt up to that floor two times in the past two weeks.  But I left that part out!  I am hoping that my trips to labor and delivery are over until at least May.  And even then I only expect to make one more trip ... to birth these babies!

We are scheduled to go back to the MFM for another growth u/s in a month (March 20th).

I will post u/s pictures as soon as I get a chance.  We should have a lot more after the elective u/s today.

Please keep growing little ones (and stay in my belly).


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