Thursday, February 23, 2012

elective u/s

We had our elective u/s yesterday.

Our appointment was originally scheduled for 1:45pm but it got changed to 2:45pm the night before the appointment.  I was really irritated that the appointment got moved from the original time because Kara had family coming from out of town for the appointment.  It did all work out in the end though.

Kara and I met her family (mom and stepfather) for lunch around noon.  We had a nice lunch.  They had not seen me since Thanksgiving so I am sure that I looked a bit different.  I am starting to learn that I can no longer eat a "normal" sized meal in one sitting.  I had soup and salad for lunch and my comfort level went to close to nothing half-way through the meal.  I'm starting to think that snacking will be my friend until the end of this pregnancy.  My stomach just does not have any room.  We went our separate ways after lunch and decided to meet up for the appointment at 2:45pm.  Kara and I went home for a bit to rest.  I was glad at this point the appointment had gotten moved because I need to seriously digest some food!

A funny story.  On our way home I got another bloody nose.  I was fumbling around in the car for something (other than my white sweatshirt) with which to stop the bleeding and I could not find a single item.  Kara being the "girl scout" told me to grab the bandanna off of her head.  So smart!  So instead of using my white sweatshirt as a tissue I used Kara's white bandanna!  Haha.  I had to commend Kara though for going into "mommy mode" in such quick fashion.  I'm just preparing her for after the boys arrive and one of them starts puking in the car while we are driving!

Of course we were almost late for our appointment.  I think we are just preparing people for when the boys arrive and we are suddenly late to everything.  We managed to walk into the door for the appointment right at 2:45pm.  Of course everyone else was already waiting for us.

Another funny story.  I had to fill out some paperwork for the appointment after I arrived to the office.  I managed to get a paper cut while I was filling out the paperwork.  If we haven't already learned from the reoccurring nosebleeds I am no longer a "normal" bleeder during this pregnancy.  If I get a cut of any sort the blood just comes gushing out.  Of course I did not think anything of the paper cut and I went on to finish my paperwork.  I got up to turn in the paperwork and pay for the appointment.  The u/s tech gave me a receipt to sign and I immediately noticed upon handing over the receipt that I had gotten blood all over the receipt.  How embarrassing!?!  I apologized profusely and asked the u/s tech if she wanted to print out another receipt.  She gave me a weird look and then just had me drop the receipt in the folder myself.  Oops.

So onto the u/s ...  The room set-up was really nice.  There was a projection screen on the wall and then a couple of other small tv monitors in other places in the room.  I got to lay down on a nice comfy bed with my head elevated (that always helps) and watch the u/s from the screen the u/s tech was using for the u/s.  I think our family loved seeing the boys!

The u/s tech started with Baby A.  He was a bit shy.  He kept his head tucked down for the first few minutes of the u/s but he eventually warmed up with some encouragement and we managed to get a couple of good face shots.  Baby A once again had his left arm up over his head during the u/s.  This was the same thing he did in the growth u/s the other day.  I still think Baby A looks like me.  He has a bit narrower of a face and seems a bit skinny than his brother.  I actually wonder if he is longer because both Baby A and Baby B weigh the same at the moment.  We also got to see Baby A open and close his mouth.  It was neat.  We did learn that Baby A is a bit of a "bed hog" and does not seem to share the womb very well with his brother.  The u/s kept showing Baby A kick his legs out.  He looked as comfortable as could be.  So when we got to Baby B ...

He has zero room in the womb!  Poor Baby B is rather smashed inside my belly.  It was difficult to get any shots of Baby B because Baby A kept sneaking over to get in the pictures.  It was super cute though because you could see Baby B take his arms and push Baby A out of the way.  I now know why I feel Baby A kick more often than I feel Baby B!  Baby B has no room in the inn.  It looked like at one point that Baby B was giving Baby A kisses on the head.  The u/s tech eventually had me lay on my right side.  This change in position allowed Baby A to move further down in my pelvis and it suddenly gave Baby B more room to move around.  This probably explains why recently I have been sleeping on my right side at night.  It has been the most comfortable position.  Interesting.  Baby B is super cute!  He looks like he has quite the muscles on his arms.  He kept flexing his arm back and forth.  It is probably from continually pushing his brother out of the way.  We got some cute shots of Baby B with his fingers in his mouth.  I think Baby B is going to be tough!

We were able to leave the u/s appointment with 4 b/w u/s pictures and 2 color u/s pictures.  We were also given a DVD (set to music) of the entire u/s and a picture CD with 88 pictures from the appointment.  Not too bad.  Kara and I watched the DVD last night and we loved every minute of it!  I am sure I will watch it several more times before the boys arrive.

Overall it was a great day.  I am glad our family got to attend the appointment.  I sometimes take for granted seeing the boys on the u/s screen over and over again so it is neat to see people's reactions the first time the boys pop up on a tv monitor.

Please keep growing little ones (and stay in my belly).


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