Saturday, October 29, 2011

double the trouble. double the love.

It's TWINS!!!

We had our u/s yesterday at 6w1d.  It is a day I will never forget.

The last two weeks have moved so slow.  I was literally counting down the hours until this appointment.  But of course as soon as I woke up on Friday morning I wanted to do anything but go to the appointment.  I was so nervous.  I decided it would be better just to live in denial.  Kara and I got to the appointment on time and I literally could not formulate a complete sentence.  My mouth was so dry!  I know the staff greeted us when we walked in the front door but I could only force a smile.  We only had to wait a few minutes in the waiting room before the nurse called us back to the exam room.  The nurse indicated that our RE was in the middle of a procedure so we might have to wait a few minutes.  This was okay.  I was just glad to be waiting in the exam room and not in the waiting room.  I got naked (because you need to know that) and then Kara proceeded to try and entertain me during the wait.  I thought at one point ... "Hey!  I have been through plenty of these u/s.  I will just walk Kara through the process so we can see what is going on in my uterus."  I think we only waited about 10 minutes.  Then my RE entered the room.  This is how it went down ...

RE: "How are you feeling?"
Me: "I'm nervous."
RE: "What are you nervous about?"
Me: "That there won't be anything in there."
RE: (with a smile) "I think there will be something in there."
(the RE proceeds to put in the wand and literally only has the picture on the screen for three seconds)
RE: "How about a two something?" (i still have no idea how she could see both babies so fast)
Me: *small giggle* ... *dead silence*

This is what we saw ...

It was the greatest moment of my life.  I was in shock.  We knew that twins were a distinct possibility but to actually see the babies on the screen.  I cannot even explain it.  The RE then took the time to show us the details of each baby.  We got to see each heart flickering away on the screen.  AMAZING!  And then the best part ... we got to hear each heartbeat.  I mean literally hear it (well at least a computer generated version of it).  I really could not formulate a single thought in my brain.  I realized at one point that I was biting my nails like crazy.  Here I am spread eagle on the exam table and I am staring at the screen biting my finger nails.  I must have looked like a three year-old who just had a teddy bear stolen.  I know the RE was talking during the u/s but I was not really registering anything that she was saying to me.  Even when she was done with the u/s I kept glancing at the screen to look at the picture that remained.  She started giving me instructions but I do not remember any of them.  I need to get better at listening. She even asked me at one point ...

RE: "What medications are you on?"
Me: "None."
RE: "None?"
Me: "Oh.  I mean progesterone and my prenatal vitamin.  Sorry."

I'm sure I would have been incapable of spelling my name at the moment.  She ended the conversation with ...

RE: "Do you have any questions?"
Me: "Can I have a picture?"
RE: (laughing) "Yes.  I took a lot."

I totally win the mother of the year award.  Do you know how many questions I should have probably been asking?  Yeah.  I didn't ask a single question.

My favorite moment ... When the RE left the room I looked over at Kara and she gave me a big high-five.  It was a classic Kara moment (who by the way was totally in awe the entire u/s).  I then made Kara give me a kiss!  It was a moment I will always remember.

So even with all the excitement there is still a ton of worrying left to be done.  The RE indicated that my chance of miscarrying both babies at this point is about 5%.  However, there is a much greater chance of losing one of the babies.  This is known as vanishing twin syndrome and can occur in up to 25% of all twin pregnancies.  I don't like those statistics.  So of course I am terrified of what will show-up on the next u/s.  The good news ... we heard heartbeats on both babies.  I know that there is nothing I can do at this point to guarantee both of these babies will make it for the long haul.  We just ask for all the prayers that we can get from those around us that know we are pregnant (which is not a lot of people).

Our next u/s is scheduled for next week.

Please stick little ones.


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