Monday, August 6, 2012

always an adventure

The days continue to pass at warp speed.  I half expect to wake-up one morning and find the boys grabbing the car keys to head off to school.

Kara and I are getting much better about venturing out of the house with the boys.  We absolutely dislike using the double stroller for anything other than a walk around the block.  And it is getting more and more difficult to carry the car seats around as the boys gain weight.  Because of these dislikes Kara and I were subconsciously avoiding taking the the boys anywhere with us.  Well we decided it was high time that we get our act together.  We can't hide in the house forever.  So we have started to take mini trips with the boys to run errands around town and thanks to these gems (click me you know you want to) our trips have taken a turn for the better.  We all went grocery shopping on Saturday and life actually felt somewhat normal.  Of course we still get stared at a lot.  There was one rather obnoxious woman at the grocery store this weekend that loudly asked (from 10 feet away) "Are those twins?"  My response (though probably not loud enough for the woman to hear me) "No.  They are triplets."  We have learned that avoiding eye contact with everyone takes care of most of the problems.  Though people still point and whisper around us.  Do they think we can't hear them??  I know that people are fascinated with twins.  I have first hand experience considering I am a twin.  But I really had no idea how fascinated people are with newborn twins.  And then we get even more confused looks when we tell people the boys are 12 weeks old.  I swear the checkout lady at a local big box baby store thought I didn't even know the age of my own kids.  I always quickly have to add, "They are preemies." in order to explain their small size.  However, as much as I like to complain about obnoxious people, there is a small part of me that loves to show off the boys.  We are crazy in love with them so of course we like to let other people know how much they mean to us.  We did have a wonderful cashier at a local Whole Foods a couple of weeks ago.  Kara and I were each holding a boy in the carrier and when we approached the checkout counter the cashier immediately congratulated us both and began to ask us both questions about life with newborn twin boys.  It was nice to have a complete stranger immediately understand that we were a family unit and in turn be so excited about it.  I have always said that I would rather people ask questions than just make assumptions about our family.

Now for a token cute picture of the boys ...  This was just after a 6am morning feeding.  And you wonder why it is so hard for me to go to work in the morning?  I just need to show my boss this picture in order to explain why I am late every day.

So we have had some fussy boys on our hands the last couple of days.  Jakob had a few bad evenings last week which I attributed to reflux issues based on his behaviour and so I made the decision to call the pediatrician over the weekend to inquire about increasing his dosage of Zantac.  We have had Jakob on the same dose since he was a newborn weighing in at a whooping 5 lbs and because he has now almost doubled his weight I figured it was time to increase his dosage.  The pediatrician suggested a dosage of 1 mL 2x per day (increased from 0.7 mL 2x per day).  It already seems to be helping his comfort level.  Now Mr. Alex on the other hand ... He suddenly wants to be held ALL the time!  This would be fine if he was an only child but when you are taking care of two babies at one time by yourself (as is often the case with Kara and me) there is limited cuddle time.  Alex will cry (with real tears) until you pick him up.  And then he works himself up so much that he refuses to take a nap.  And then come evening time he is extra fussy because he is so tired.  Yesterday afternoon Kara and I were noticing that Alex was getting fussy so I decided to take him upstairs into our bedroom to take a nap.  We both got into bed and I let Alex lay on my chest.  I got to sing to him and he was out cold in minutes.  We both took an hour nap together and I must say it is a moment I will treasure for a very long time.  I don't often get that cuddle time alone with one of the boys and I truly appreciated each moment of it.  I love these boys more than words can adequately express.  I just sometimes get sad when I realize how fast they are growing up and how I am limited in the amount of one on one time I can spend with them.



  1. They're so big! Like always, I feel we have so much in common. Alex and Spencer sound really alike, including the real tears! Does Jakob cry real tears? We saw Jacen's first ones this weekend while Spencer has been shedding them for months. I'm constantly saying I wish I had either four arms or more hours in the day. Twins are fabulous and fun but I wish I could give them each 100% of my attention.

  2. My wife and I work together so we basically have the same hours. When we’re with Gracie there is almost always 2 parents, 1 baby and still it can be overwhelming and hectic. The fact that you and Kara manage 2 babies and at times 1 parent is very impressive!

    BTW – their sleepy picture is ridiculously adorable :)
