Sunday, January 8, 2012


How Far Along: 16w3d

Milestones: The baby is the size of an avocado.  He is about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces.  He is listening to your voice thanks to tiny bones forming in his ears.  He is growing hair, lashes and eyebrows.  He is forming taste buds.

Total Weight Gain:  I am up a total of 6.6 lbs.  I believe I should gain between one and two pounds a week in the 2nd trimester so I appear to be right on track.

Maternity Clothes:  Nope.  But things are getting tight ... really, really tight!  I have to wear the hair band on all my pants and even with my sweatshirts on you can tell I am pregnant.  Or just really fat!

Here is the belly shot for this week ...

Sleep:  Not good.  I now have to sleep on my side at night and I can only sleep for about an hour before I wake-up because my hips and back hurt.  It is much easier for me to sleep on my left side.  I have also been experiencing braxton hicks contractions at night.  So those tend to wake me up too.  I now have four pillows in bed (one under my head, one under my belly, one between my legs and one supporting my back).  I really might have to invest in a pregnancy pillow but they are just so expensive.  But it is going to be a long time until June.

Best Moment of the Week:  We started to work on the nursery!! (I added a nursery page at the top of the blog.)

I cannot take any actual credit for the work that has been done on the nursery.  Kara has done all the work.  We got the nursery painted.  The name of the paint is "light french gray".  It is a blue / gray color. We got three paint samples on the wall before we could finally decide on a color.  We did not want the walls to be too blue.  This was actually the color that was going to go on the wall no matter the sex of each baby.  I am really starting to like the color!  It is looking better now that we are getting other colors in the room.  The other color in the room will be orange.

We made a trip to IKEA this weekend.  I think we have picked out the cribs and the dresser / changing table.  We will go back to IKEA in a month to actually pick-up the cribs and dresser / changing table.  We also bought two chairs from IKEA that have already been brought home and assembled in the nursery.  I love them!!!  And guess what?? ... We got them for free!  Yep.  We did not realize until we got home that the cashier never rang-up the chairs.  Huh??  So we got $100 of free stuff.  We were going to just put a regular dresser in the nursery but decided after putting the chairs together that we are going to buy a small dresser that allows for a "changing table" to be placed on top.  This is because we are a bit more limited on space than we originally thought.  I will be sure to keep you updated on the progress of the nursery.

Sex:  We still think BOYS!!

Food Cravings:  I just like to eat!  I have noticed that I am tending to crave foods from my childhood.  Any idea what that means??  I am also craving red meat.  And for someone who did not eat meat for so many years this has been really interesting.  I think I am craving the meat for a reason so I am allowing myself to eat it.  So ... I had a hamburger this week for the first time in FOREVER.  It was really, really good.  I also had a vanilla milkshake too!

Food Aversions:  Nope

Symptoms:  Where do I start??  I am just generally uncomfortable and I am only 16 weeks pregnant.  I have been having braxton hicks contractions.  I believe this is normal.  I only get one or two a day and there are some days were I don't have any braxton hicks contractions.  I mostly get them at night.  I think I get dehydrated at night.  They are so bizarre.  My entire abdomen gets rock hard!  It is creepy.  It only lasts for about 30 seconds.  They are not painful but they do wake me up.  I will be sure to mention them to my OB this week because I get concerned about why I am feeling them so early in the pregnancy.  I have a huge nightmare about going into labor early.  I want to make certain these braxton hicks contractions are not doing anything to change my cervix.  I had some belly button pain this week as my uterus made its way up past my belly button.  It is neat to lay in bed each morning and feel my uterus.  Each day it gets bigger and bigger.  Where are my intestines going???  I also tend to get a lower backache if I am on my feet for any extended period of time.  So like I said ... I am feeling things!!!!

Upcoming Events:  We have an OB appointment on January 10th.

Please keep growing little ones and please stay in my belly for a very long time!


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