Tuesday, January 10, 2012

a comedy of errors

The typical night of a woman 16 weeks pregnant with twins ...

11:00 pm - You wake-up with a braxton hicks contraction.  Okay.  Not a problem.  Drink a bottle of water and go back to bed.

12:00 am - You wake-up because you now have to pee.  Remember you did drink a bottle of water.  Okay.  Not a problem.  Go to the bathroom.  You are sitting in the bathroom when you feel something wet on your lap.  Remember it is the middle of the night so you are peeing in the dark.  The last thing you want to do is actually wake-up.  You mumble under your breath a few times and get up to turn on the light.  You realize you have blood on your lap.  Huh?  Where did that come from?  You then realize your nose is bleeding ... everywhere.  Grab some tissues and get you nose to stop bleeding.  You are now fully awake so you climb back into bed and surf the internet for a bit.  Of course you drink more water while doing this.

1:00 am - Fall back to sleep.

2:00 am - You wake-up because you have to pee.  Remember you did drink a bottle of water.  Not a problem.  Go to the bathroom.  Fall back to sleep.

4:00 am - WTF?  You wake-up out of a dead sleep feeling as if your leg is going to fall off.  Charlie Horse!?!  You wither in pain waking your sleep partner up (who probably thinks you are in labor because of the noises coming out of your mouth).  You beg you sleep partner to rub your leg.  The pain slowly disappears and you get up to go the bathroom.  Of course you have to stumble to the bathroom because your leg now feels like a brick.  You pee.  Climb back into bed and experience another braxton hicks contraction.  Probably because of all the excitement.  You drink another bottle of water and then realize you will not fall back to sleep before you alarm goes off at 5:00am.

5:00 am - You drag you butt to the shower.  Remember you are limping because your leg still feels like a brick.  You try not to fall asleep in the shower.  You get out of the shower and your stomach feels a bit weird.  You get excited because you think that maybe today will be the day that you poop.  You jump on the toilet with excitement and wait and wait and wait ... nothing.  Sh*t!!! Not today.  Still constipated.

6:00 am - You go to work.  Another night has passed.  You survived.

Yep.  This was my night last night!

Please keep growing little ones.


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