Tuesday, April 5, 2011

cycle # 3

I had my baseline ultrasound this morning (on cd 3) and I am happy (okay I am actually more like super duper thrilled) to announce that I am cyst free!!!  The RE that did my ultrasound this morning made me very nervous when she first walked into the room because she "cheerfully" announced that she was having very bad luck with all her baseline ultrasound appointments today.  I just gave her the side eye and told her that bad luck was banned from this particular exam room.  I guess it worked!!  I am sure she is glad it work too because I might have given her a swift kick to the face if she would have mentioned the word cyst in relation to my ovaries! I'm only kidding.

The office was super busy this morning.  Okay.  It was actually crazy busy.  I'm glad I know what I am doing at this point because today if you were unsure of any policy or procedure you might have actually gotten run down in the hallway.  I usually do all my follow-up with the nurse after my appointment but she was busy talking to another patient.  I was patiently waiting my turn but the RE decided that she could handle all the follow-up information herself and promptly jotted down all the information on a post-it note.  This made me a bit nervous.  It also made me chuckle.  I thought to myself as I was leaving the office that there was no way in hell that any of that information was going to make it into my chart.  I was already assuming that I was going to have to make a follow-up call to the office tomorrow.  However, I got a call (only two hours later) from the pharmacy that fills the hcg trigger shot for me.  So, I guess I was wrong ... at least some of the information made it into my chart.  The true test will be to see if they actually recorded my next appointment in the computer.  The RE scheduled my next appointment (on a post-it note) by letting me pick any random time that I wanted to come back to the office.  Um?? How do you know that time is available??  Whatever!  It was funny.

The process is basically staying the same this month.  I am however only taking 25mg of Clomid this time around from cd 3 - cd 7.  This is going to reduce the chance of me having so many mature follicles come ovulation time.  I am just hoping it doesn't reduce the number to zero though.  That would be bad.  It will also reduce the chance of one of those follicles failing to release an egg and turning into a cyst and forcing me to sit out another cycle next month.  I will go back for my next monitoring appointment on cd 11.  I am crossing my fingers (and toes and eyes) that all continues to go well this month.


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