Thursday, December 6, 2012


We took the boys to see Santa today!

Kara and I both had the day off of work and because we knew that we would be crazy to take the boys to see Santa on a weekend we decided that today would be the day!

Of course as we pull up to the mall I casually mention to Kara, "Just make sure Alex doesn't have a stinky diaper" .... Yep! ... So that leads to a diaper change in the parking lot.  But its not any stinky diaper.  It is a complete blowout.  Now being "that mom" I absolutely must have the boys in coordinating outfits for these pictures.  So Kara gets all MacGyver on us and manages to salvage the outfit Alex was wearing.  I just hope Santa didn't get too close.  The only casualty of the entire incident was a dirty pair of socks.  Yeah.  Don't ask.  But I didn't get too torn up over non-matching socks.

It was a perfect time to go to the mall.  There was absolutely no line!  But don't worry.  Even if there had been a line we wouldn't have slowed down the line.  Nope.  The boys lasted all of 3 seconds on Santa's lap.  Well.  I take that back.  I think Alex could have sat on Santa's lap all day long.  But Jakob had other ideas.  He started screaming as soon as I stepped away.  But the photographer was amazing.  She had actually snapped a picture as soon as we put the boys on Santa's lap.  So while Jakob is screaming his head off and the photographer is doing her best to get Jakob to stop screaming I say ...

"Didn't I see you snap a picture before he started screaming?"
"Yes.  But they weren't smiling."
"Um?  I don't care.  We are done."

So this is what we got ...

I think they look very handsome!!

I also didn't know that I would have to dip into the boys' college fund in order to purchase this picture.  Jeepers!  What happened to free pictures with Santa?



  1. SO cute! Your boys are super handsome.

  2. Oh my gosh, the boys look adorable! You are not kidding about the high cost of pictures with Santa! We went with the cheapest package (which came with 1 5x7) and it cost $35.00!! Can you even believe that?! Memories sure are expensive... ;)
