Monday, October 1, 2012

a year of Jakob and Alex

We were busy this weekend so I didn't get to properly document September 29, 2012!  We officially reached the end of the year of Jakob and Alex.  It was one year ago that I had the IUI that resulted in my pregnancy with Jakob and Alex.  So I like to think of the boys as officially being part of our lives for one year.  I have spent the last several days going "One year ago today ..."  all while trying not to spontaneously break into tears.  There are many things I remember about September 29, 2011 that I probably would have pushed out of my mind should I not have gotten pregnant.  I took the day off of work.  I would like to pretend I took the day off of work to sit at home and relax after my  IUI but really I took the day off to work on a backlog of homework assignments.  I did stop at the office prior to my appointment because our office was participating in health screenings in order to secure a lower premium on our health insurance for 2012.  I of course was super nervous because of my appointment.  So my blood pressure was a bit high.  The nurse doing the health screening thought I was nervous because of the blood draw at the screening.  Not really!  But I humored her and admitted to a deathly fear of needles.  I also remember during the actual IUI my cell phone rang.  I must have forgotten to turn it off.  The RE made some off the cuff comment about whether or not she needed to answer the phone for me since I was currently indisposed!  I checked my phone after the IUI and it was a picture of my good friend's twin girls who were just newborns at the time.  My friend had sent me the picture to wish me good luck at the IUI.  It worked!  I would not know it at the time but hours later I would be pregnant with Jakob and Alex!!  It has been a very good year!  I feel so blessed.  

A couple of pictures from last week.


Mr. Jakob laughs ALL THE TIME!!  His laughter is super contagious.  He loves to bounce.  Jakob loves it even more when you pretend to drop him while bouncing.  He will just laugh and laugh and laugh.  He also does this little squeal at the end of each round of laughing that makes my heart smile.  We actually bought an exercise ball over the weekend to help with Jakob's love of bouncing.  Also both boys tend to fall asleep when you are bouncing so we thought an exercise ball would be really helpful during fussy time.  Plus it is good for us too!!  It is hard to bounce the boys while sitting on the couch.  The exercise ball has also been helpful to use for some tummy time.  Of course Jakob laughs the whole time!


This is a picture of Mr. Serious.  I absolutely love this picture.  It appropriately documents his personality!  I think Alex spends most of his time trying to figure out the world.  He will probably be our cautious child while Jakob ends up in the emergency room a bazillion time because he will also act before he thinks!  I would give anything to know what Alex is thinking at any given moment.  I also love this picture because it includes his new obsession 'Robbie the Robot'!  Alex loves to grab onto 'Robbie the Robot' and I think it brings our non-pacifier child some extra comfort.


1 comment:

  1. Our boys are so similar! Jacen laughs like crazy, complete with a squeal at the end. It is so cute! I keep thinking about how a year ago I was pregnant and didn't know it yet, so I understand. Happy first year!
