Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We had both an OB appointment and an MFM appointment this week.

The general consensus with both the OB and the MFM is amazement in the fact that I am still pregnant!

The OB appointment was fairly uneventful as usual.  We discussed a few items.  It looks like I am going to stay on the Procardia until I hit 35 weeks.  I still need to monitor my contractions and contact the OB if I am getting more than 8 contractions an hour while on the Procardia.  I will become a normal pregnant lady after I discontinue the Procardia at 35 weeks.  This means I would follow the 5-1-1 rule.  I would contact the OB if I got contractions every 5 minutes lasting at least one minute for at least an hour.  We also discussed the birth of the boys again.  We were still under the impression at this appointment that Baby B was breech so it was decided that at our appointment next week we would get a c-section on the books for sometime after 36 weeks.  Whelp ... Baby B has some other ideas as we found out at our growth u/s yesterday that Baby B is now vertex (or head down)!!  I'm not exactly certain what the OB will do at this point.  I would like to get a c-section scheduled simply because Baby B has a tendency to change position.  Then I would just like to wait and see what happens.  If I go into labor before the scheduled c-section then the hospital would do an u/s to determine the position of the boys.  I would either try to deliver vaginally (if both were vertex) or we would do a c-section if either baby is breech.  But we will have to see what happens at the OB appointment next week.

We had a growth u/s and NST at the MFM office yesterday afternoon.  The boys are getting so big.  Baby A is estimated to weigh 4 lbs 15 oz and Baby B is estimated to weigh 4 lbs 13 oz.  We got some really good 3D pictures of Baby A but of course we were unable to get any pictures of Baby B because of his position.  This has occurred the last couple of u/s appointments.  We got a super cute picture of Baby A in the middle of a big yawn.  He is adorable.

Baby A

We also had the NST and both boys passed with flying colors.  The nurses have no problem doing the NST with our boys because the boys are considered "easy" as they always remain on the monitors.  They have come a long way since our hospitalization at 26 weeks where neither boy wanted to stay on the monitors.  We are scheduled to go back next week for a NST.  We will have weekly NSTs and then another growth u/s at 36w6d (should we make it that far).  I think that will be the appointment that makes the determination as to when the boys will be born.  So who knows what is going to happen in the next several weeks.  We are getting so close to the time where the boys could be born with no NICU time.  And that alone is hard for me to believe.

Please keep growing boys and stay in my belly for a few more weeks.


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