Sunday, May 6, 2012


How Far Along: 33w3d

Milestones: Your unborn baby's senses continue to develop.  If you talk to your baby, he can hear you.  In fact, his world is full of sounds.  In addition to your voice, he can hear your stomach growling and your lungs taking in air, along with the reassuring vibrations of your heart beating.  Also, your baby's skin has turned from red to pink and he has started preparing for life outside the womb by storing iron in his liver.

Total Weight Gain:  I am up at total of 34 lbs.

Maternity Clothes:  I had Kara make another trip to the thrift store this week.  I am now lounging around in XL t-shirts!!  Yikes.  Most of the time I am bothered by clothing touching my belly so I actually spend quite a bit of time with my belly exposed.  This makes Kara laugh.  I always sleep with my belly exposed.  It is just a weird feeling when clothes are touching my belly.  I think because the skin in my belly is stretched so much the nerves are fairly shot.  I also have very few maternity shirts that fit me at the moment.  I received some clothes from my friend.  That will help a bit.  But it is getting more difficult to find clothes to wear to appointments.  Soon I will be going to the appointments in my pajamas!

Here are some belly shots ...

And a shot from the front ...

My belly is out of control.  What will it look like at 36 weeks or even 38 weeks??

Sleep:  What is this??  I have gotten rid of all pillows from the bed.  Shocked?? Me too.  I can only sleep for about an hour at a time and even then it is only a "half-sleep".  I sleep on my left side and just have a pillow for my head.  It is the most comfortable position at the moment.  I also had Kara move one of the chairs from the nursery into the bedroom.  I sit in this chair a lot during the night.  So basically I spend the night alternating between the bed and the chair because I tend to wake-up in so much pain.  My contractions are also horrible at night so I have that going against me getting a good night of rest.  I'm also getting frustrated with the comment, "It's just getting you ready for when the babies are born.  You won't sleep anyhow."  Urghh!! Please stop telling me this.  The sleep deprivation now is totally different than the sleep deprivation when there are newborns in the house!!  I am trying to take a couple of naps during the day which tends to help me a bit.  Otherwise my brain is all out of whack because I am so tired.

Best Moment of the Week:  The boys are still in my belly.

Sex:  Boys!

Food Cravings:  Ice Cream.  Candy.  Chocolate.  Jelly Beans.  Anything I should not be eating.

I am getting so tired of eating eggs and bacon for breakfast.  I am taking a sabbatical from these foods once the boys are born.  I want some french toast and pancakes and waffles!!!

I am doing a fairly decent job at keeping my blood sugar numbers in check but there are times that I slip.  For example, I absolutely love the lemonade at Raising Cane's and last week after our MFM appointment Kara went through the drive-thru and got me a super big lemonade because it was the first day it was available for the season.  It was amazing!!  My blood sugar numbers were off the charts.  Oops.  I apologized to the boys and asked for forgiveness.

Symptoms:  I am uncomfortable all the time.  The acid reflux is out of control but I seem to be able to control it with TUMS.  My contractions are always around but they can be managed with the Procardia to a certain extent.  I do my best to continue to time the contractions and at this point I am not getting more than one contraction every 10 minutes.  The rash that was on my hands seems to have disappeared.  I have a stuffy nose all the time.  I usually have a bloody nose in the morning.  I pee all the time.  My words of wisdom for the week ... "Always pee before you blow your nose."  I think the boys are running out of room in my belly.  Their kicks and punches are much different these days.  It is more of a rolling sensation.  I have hit the pregnancy wall.  But all these annoyances thrill me too ... !!!!

Upcoming Events:  We have an OB appointment on May 7th and we have a growth u/s with the MFM on May 8th.  We are forever grateful for each day the boys remain in my belly.

Please keep growing boys and stay in my belly for a few more weeks!


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