Saturday, July 30, 2011

one foot in front of the other

I finally received the MTX injection on Thursday (July 28).

I was originally scheduled to receive the MTX injection on Wednesday (July 27) but when I went to my appointment I learned that the b/w from the previous day indicated that my platelet count was a bit low.  I had a platelet count of 104,000 and the normal range is between 140,000 and 250,000.  My hcg level had also increased to 255 (23dpiui).  My RE was not comfortable with proceeding with the MTX injection because of my low platelet count.  It was decided that additional b/w would be done.  My RE indicated that she would review the b/w results in the morning and then make a decision with how to proceed.  So I had to get more b/w done.  Again.  And to think that when I started this process I was terrified of getting b/w.  Now I don't even blink an eye.  I could probably do my own b/w at this point in the process.  Just give me the needle.  I know where to find the good veins.  My arms were looking quite hideous by the end of the week.  I received a call bright and early on Thursday (July 28) and I was told that the RE reviewed my b/w results and it was okay to proceed with the MTX injection.  I did not bother to ask for the details of the b/w.  To be honest I did not care.  I just wanted to move forward with the entire process.

The actual injection was not too bad.  I was surprised at the amount of medication that got injected.  It was a significant amount (and bright yellow).  The nurse indicated that the dosage is based on your body mass index and most of the time a patient has to receive two injections.  So this was one of those times that I was actually thrilled to be fairly petite.  The injection was an inter-muscular injection (that means it goes in my butt) so thankfully I could not see what was going on!  It did take about a minute though for all the medication to get injected.  And it burned a bit.  Otherwise, the injection was no different than the trigger shots I receive to induce ovulation.  My instructions are to stay away from foods containing folic acid (including all vitamins) and alcohol.  I personally think it is a crime that I cannot drink during this entire process!

I have not had too many side effects from the drug.  The first night I felt like I had been hit by a truck.  I was exhausted.  I actually feel asleep around 6:30pm and slept through my alarm clock the next morning.  I was extremely nauseous the first night.  However, when I finally woke up the next morning I felt completely fine.  And up until this point I have not had too many additional side effects.  Though I do get really bloated anytime I eat.  It could either be from the medication or it could be because my eating habits suck at the moment.  If I'm not allowed to drink alcohol, then you better believe that my diet is going to consist of a lot if ice cream at the moment.  Plus I was told to eat unhealthy!  I am crossing my fingers that the minimal side effects continue.

I am scheduled to go back for additional b/w next Wednesday.  My hcg level should be dropping at this point in time.


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