Thursday, May 26, 2016

how about another ...

I was getting out of the shower last night and my b*ra was laying on the bathroom floor.  Jakob reached over and picked it up off the floor and the following conversation took place ...

Jakob: "Here Mama.  You need to wear this."
Mama: "No.  Moms take off their b*ra at night."
Jakob: "No.  Mommy doesn't."
Mama: "Yep.  Mommy takes off her b*ra at night too."

Jakob walks out of the bedroom and over to where Kara is sitting with Alex on the recliner.  He walks up to Kara and proceeds to reach up and grab her br*east.  (The grabbing of our br*easts is actually not totally uncommon in our household.   The boys are a bit obsessed with everything br*easts.  But I assure you we are working on directing the boys in the appropriate time to grab a woman's br*easts.  As in NEVER.)

Jakob: "You take this off at night?"
Mommy: "Why did Jakob just grab my br*east?"
Mama (from the bathroom): "He doesn't know the word for b*ra.  He doesn't believe that you take your b*ra off at night."
Mommy: "Yes Jakob.  I take off my b*ra at night."
Jakob: "Ok.  Good."

 .... because boys.


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