Thursday, April 28, 2016

our big boy

We had our growth u/s today with the MFM (high risk doctor) and silly us thought it would be our last appointment at the hospital until we gave birth.  But little boy is being a bit stubborn.  The growth u/s started with the normal cervical length check and amazingly my cervix is still holding strong at 4cm.  No change between week 18 – week 29.  So we are officially done with those u/s checks.  The u/s tech moved onto getting measurements of baby boy.  He looks fabulous but is measuring about 2 weeks ahead with an estimated weight of 3lbs14oz (83rd percentile).  That in itself is OK but my amniotic fluid level is also measuring high at approximately the 90th percentile.  I passed my glucose tolerance test with flying colors so gestational diabetes can be ruled out as a reason for the high level amounts.  The MFM took a bunch of blood work just to make certain I don’t have a strange infection of some sort (unlikely).  A high amniotic fluid level can be indicative of a chromosomal problem with the baby but we have had extensive u/s screenings and we also had the free cell DNA test done.  All has looked perfect.  So in all probability the fluid levels are just “normal” for me.  The MFM decided he wanted baby boy to pass a biophysical profile (BPP) today because of the high amniotic fluid levels.  This is where baby boy got stubborn.  He failed the practice breathing part of the test.  He is required, within a 30 minute timeframe, to show practice breaths for at least 30 seconds.  He never did this.  So he failed the BPP.  This granted us a pass to take a non-stress test (NST).  We had to wait for about 45 minutes before we could take the test.  And of course our 30 minute appointment had now turned into 3 hours and this Mama had yet to eat breakfast.  I was CRANKY.  But thankfully baby boy passed the NST within 10 minutes of being on the monitor.  We are due to go back to the MFM in two weeks for another BPP.  You better get your crap together baby boy!!  So who knows what will continue to happen in this grand adventure.  We simply want baby boy to be a healthy newborn so we will continue to cross our fingers of reaching that 37 week milestone.  But I won’t lie … I’m a bit terrified of birthing a big baby.  OH … And baby boy was head down at the appointment today.  Let’s hope he stays put!!!


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