Monday, July 22, 2013

making friends

We have been trying to make friends.  I feel like I am back in elementary school again.  I guess it's important to note that I have never been good at making friends.  It's always hard to make friends when you absolutely hate talking to new people.  And even harder because Kara and I are both equally as introverted and would rather stay at home then go to a social event.  I have always had a handful of friends.  Of course these friends have changed over the years because life circumstances change each year.  So now that we are a family with kids we are trying to make friends with other families with kids.  We have been hit or miss in the friend arena up to this point.  We have successfully gone on a few different play dates with mixed results.  We just haven't managed to hit if off with too many of the families.  It's hard to find families with kids of a similar age and to find families that match with our interests and parenting beliefs.  However, we think we may have finally found a young family that could potentially become great friends with the boys.  We met on a local online message board.  The family, a lesbian couple, have a 7 month old little boy and live about 15 minutes from us.  Their story is eerily similar to our story.  They even went to the same RE as us!  We have all gotten together a few times and the boys seem to get along quite great (as much as a 14 month old and a 7 month old can get along).  We all got together yesterday afternoon and all the boys were dressed in the same Carter overall outfits!  It was too cute.  I think we are going to get together for a pool date soon which should be fun.  So anyhow I hope this is the start of a great friendship for us all.

And as a side note ... Jakob can now stand-up from a sitting position without any assistance.  And now he is unstoppable.  And of course this new found freedom has come with some additional bumps and bruises as Jakob thinks he can just run everywhere instead of walking when it is necessary.    



  1. I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award! I love visiting your blog and I’m sure others will too. :)

  2. Totally understand that introverted couple thing. I'm terrible at meeting new people and K is agoraphobic, literally diagnosed! So we totally get your pain!

  3. so happy to hear you and kara met an awesome family! that's so sweet all the babes were in the same outfit - it was meant to be. :)
    and go jakob!! hope you're having a relaxing weekend. <3<3
    thank you for your beautiful friendship!
