Friday, July 5, 2013

an update

It's been a long time.

The boys are doing GREAT!

We had some really significant poop issues with Alex!  But I think we have finally turned the corner.  We have been battling some significant constipation with our little man.  It was breaking my heart to watch him scream and cry in pain multiple times every day.  He would literally grab on to me with a death grip each time he had to poop.  And it really zapped the energy from Alex.  He just was not the same little boy.  But we made a lot of changes.

Rule # 1 - It is impossible for Alex to have too much fiber in his diet.  Jakob on the other ... not so much!
Rule # 2 - I will not be demoted to the worst parent of the year club simply for introducing juice into their diet.  We now have little boys who drink upwards of 20 ounces of water (mixed with 4 ounces of juice) each day in addition to the 16 ounces of milk they were drinking prior to the poop issues.
Rule # 3 - Our current solution to the poop issues is Miralax.  Alex gets 1/2 teaspoon 2x per day and has had zero issues pooping since it started to work!  The diet changes alone were not solving our problem.
Rule # 4 - Do not enter the nursery on any morning after Jakob accidentally gets Alex's bottle with the Miralax from the night before.

Both boys are officially walking ALL OVER THE PLACE!!  Jakob spends all day just walking back and forth between the living room and the playroom.  He actually was sweating the other day because he would not stop moving!  It is interesting to watch the boys walk.  Jakob "walks now and thinks later" so he does a lot of falling down while Alex "thinks now and walks with small cautious steps" and thus avoids a lot of falling down.  They could not be more different from one another.  I would classify Jakob as having learned to walk at 12 months and Alex as having learned to walk at 13 months.  They were only weeks apart from one another.

Both boys can ... (1) wave good-bye, (2) clap, (3) give a high-five, and (4) give kisses!

We still don't have big talkers.  Both boys babble quite a bit but there are really no "real" words.  They both say "mama" all the time but don't have any idea what it means.  It's just their sound of choice.

I thought it would be interesting to note our daily schedule so I can look back at it for reference.

7:00 am - Wake-Up and Sippy Cup (4 oz whole milk)
7:15 am - 7:45 am - Playtime with Mommy and Momma.
8:00 am - Breakfast
9:00 am - Snack and Sippy Cup (1 oz pear juice / 5 oz water)
10:00 am - Nap
11:30 am - Sippy Cup (4 oz whole milk)
Noon - Lunch
12:30 pm - A walk with Mommy.
2:00 pm - Snack and Sippy Cup (1 oz pear juice / 5 oz water)
2:30 pm - Nap
4:00 pm - Sippy Cup (4 oz whole milk)
5:00 pm - Dinner
5:20 pm - Super Why! (again call the bad parent club as I let my 13 month old boys watch 10 minutes of television a day)
5:30 pm - A walk with Momma.
6:15 pm - Snack and Sippy Cup (1 oz pear juice / 5 oz water)
7:00 pm - Bath and Sippy Cup (4 oz whole milk).
7:30 pm - Bedtime.

And of course there is playtime in between all those activities!

What we typically eat ...

Breakfast - Prunes, Oatmeal (w/fiber cereal), Eggs, Blueberry Waffles, Pancakes, Sausage, Fruit
Lunch and Dinner - Prunes, Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Fruit, Cheese, Yogurt, Pasta
Snack - Whole Wheat Crackers, Cheerios, Puffs, Granola Bars, Mum-Mum's

We really do not have picky eaters at the moment.  We shall see how long that lasts.

Okay.  That's all for now.



  1. Then the Bad Mom Club should arrest me, I have Nick Jr. on in the background all day. Punky isn't likely watching it all the time, but it's on the tv.

  2. We went through the same exact thing with Grace right around 13 months. When we introduced whole milk she became so constipated and would scream in pain while standing stick straight anytime she needed to poop. I'm so glad to hear that Alex is doing better because I know how sad it is to see them that way.

    My little one watches Team Umizoomi in the mornings when we're getting ready for work, Sesame Street in the afternoons and HBO Classical Baby in the evenings every single day. Trust me, you're not in the bad moms club!! ;)

    Oh and that beach picture of the boys is too cute for words!
