Friday, November 16, 2012

things that go bump in the night

Let's set the scene ...

It is 2:15am.  I have just stumbled back up the stairs after a super exciting middle of the night pumping session.  It is my job to give Jakob a "dream feed" at 2:30am in order to guarantee that Kara can sleep until at least 6:30am.  I enter the dark bedroom and all is quiet.  I walk over to the dresser and pick-up Jakob's bottle.  It is empty.  Crap.  That means Jakob woke-up while I was downstairs pumping and Kara had to feed him.  That means less sleep for Kara.  So I crawl back to bed and Kara stirs ...

Me: "Sorry."
Kara: "That's okay."
Me: "Was he really hungry?"
Kara: "Yes."
Me: "Weird."

We both promptly fall back to sleep.

It is now 4:00am and Jakob is starting to fuss.  Or as we like to say in our household, "The beast is stirring."  I kind of ignore his noises for a few minutes.  And then I just get plain frustrated.  Jakob just ate.  How in the world is he hungry? The following conversation takes place ...

Me (to Kara): "Are his eyes open?"
Kara: "Yeah.  He's probably hungry."
Me: "He just ate."
Kara: "You fed him?"
Me: "Um? No.  You told me you fed him."
Kara: "No I didn't.  When did I tell you that?"
Me: "An hour ago.  And the bottle is empty. Who did you feed?"
Kara: "I didn't feed anyone.  That was the bottle you gave Jakob before you went to bed."
Me: "Crap.  Why do we have a baby that eats so much?"

So it is back downstairs I go to make another bottle for Jakob.  And how did I forget to bring the two bottles upstairs before bed?  What makes the story even funnier is that as I was climbing the stairs to go to bed that night I had even thought to myself, "I'm missing something" ... yep ...  I was missing Jakob's other bottle.

But again the most important question ... Why do I go upstairs each night with 2 bottles for Jakob and 0 bottles for Alex??



  1. This is a classic example of new moms not getting sleep! I know that feeling. When you thought you did something and then you realize you didn't. Its maddening. This was a cute little post!

  2. :) "the beast is stirring" - too friend tells me stories of waking up to feed and her almost six month old...she says sometimes she's so tired, she barely remembers feeding him. Wishing you and Kara a few more zzz's and a very happy Thanksgiving. Xoxox
