Friday, September 7, 2012

update central

We have been busy bees as of late.  I have been swamped at work and then by the time I come home and take care of the boys its all I can do to keep my eyes open.  So I thought I would try to take at least a minute to write a quick update.  Because before I know it I am going to turn around and have big boys!!

The boys continue to change right before our eyes.  I have absolutely no idea how much they weigh but I can tell you that we moved to 3-6 month sleepers the other night.  And I will admit that I shed a tear.  How have we gone from preemie outfits to 3-6 month outfits??

Mr. Jakob is a "mini-Mary" in both his physical characteristics and his ever changing personality.  If I stand in front of a mirror with Jakob there is no denying that he is my son.  I think Jakob may end up with blue eyes.  They continue to lighten up each day.  The same goes for his hair.  I don't think I am going to get a red-head but I do think Jakob with end up with "dirtly blond" hair.  There are times though when it has a hint of red to it.

The boys have a new habit that we can't seem to break.  They smile while you are feeding them their bottle.  It is to the point where you can't make eye contact during bottle time because the feeding will take an hour!!  But at the same time it is so stinking cute that you can't help but encourage them to smile.  So needless to say there have been some very unproductive feeding sessions as of late.

Jakob laughed for the first time yesterday!  And the best part was that it happened while I was home at lunch.  Kara and I got so excited that the dogs started barking right along with our screaming.  It was so cute.  Jakob still fights naps like it is going out of style.  This can result in a very cranky little boy at night time.  However, Jakob is a champion sleeper and once the sun goes down he tends to be out in only a couple of minutes.  My mom told me the other day that I was not a good napper.  And we know that Jakob is following in my footsteps.  He just likes to be "in the know" all the time.  And even at this age he is afraid of missing something important.  I do a better job at dealing with Jakob and Kara said the other night that she thinks it because I understand his personality and as a result I usually know what he needs at any moment.  Jakob absolutely loves to watch television.  I know, I know ... But you put the boy in his bouncer seat in front of the television and turn on a Baby Einstein video and as he goes to town!  He kicks his legs and moves his arms and smiles through the whole video.  Kara affectionately said the other day, "These Baby Einstein videos are Jakob's crack."

Both boys love their car seats so we spend each evening either taking a drive around town (if the weather is bad) or going on a nice long walk.  Both of these activities get the boys to fall asleep for about an hour.  And as weird as it sounds a nap before bed is exactly what the boys need in order to sleep all night long.  They continue to take a bottle at 8:00pm and 10:00pm.  We do not change diapers at the 10:00pm feeding anymore so it is really a "dream feed" and most of the time the boys don't even open their eyes.  The boys will usually sleep until about 6:00am and then Kara will give them their morning bottle and get them to sleep until about 8:30am.  We definitely cannot complain about the boys sleeping habits at the moment.

So if Mr. Jakob is a "mini-Mary" then Mr. Alex is a "mini-Kara".  Alex continues to be the most chill baby in the world.  He is definitely a go with the flow little man.  There is very little that upsets Alex.  And the boy can take a nap at the drop of a hat.  Alex absolutely loves the jumperoo.  And he is great at it!  He has figured out how to swing it around with his feet.  He is still working on the jumping part but he just smiles the entire time he is in the jumperoo.   That is until he falls asleep.  You put Alex in the jumperoo and it never fails that he falls asleep after he is done playing.  He has taken upwards of a 60 minute nap sitting straight-up.  He is going to be the little boy that falls asleep at the dinner table.  I think Alex is going to look completely different than Jakob.  His hair continues to get darker along with his eyes.  I think Alex will be my brown eye and brown hair little boy.

The boys still like to eat every two hours during the day.  We have tried everything to get that to change but we have had no luck.  I am hoping we get the go ahead at the boys four month appointment to start them on cereal.  It might not be necessary for Alex but I think Jakob is more than ready.  Both can sit up amazingly and Jakob has become very interested in what we are eating.  So we shall see what the pediatrician tells us.

Now time for the newest picture ...

This picture was taken last weekend.  It was the day of the first OSU football game of the season and around these parts we live and breath OSU sports!  I told Kara that I want to take a picture of the boys every year on the day of the first football game of the season.  So this is the picture for this year.  Too cute!! Right??



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