Friday, February 25, 2011

waiting is the hardest part

Okay.  I admit it.  This waiting is driving me crazy!  I thought for sure that I could get through these next couple of weeks without a care in the world.  I mean ... what is done is done.  It is out of my control.  But instead I have been feeling every twinge in my body and trying to determine if a given twinge at any moment is a good thing or a bad thing.  I just want to know already!!  I have a really good friend who struggled to get pregnant for over two years.  I always knew that she was a super strong woman simply for the fact that she had to go above and beyond to just get pregnant.  She is now, without a doubt, the strongest woman I have ever met.  Kudos!

The hcg trigger shot has not come without any side effects.   It never even crossed my mind that I would experience any side effects from the shot.  But unfortunately I have experienced quite a bit of nausea over the last few days.  I even lost my breakfast on Tuesday morning.  That was fun.  It is one thing to be nauseous because I am pregnant but it is another thing to be nauseous simply because of the hormones that have been injected into my body.  Not fair.  Thankfully, the trigger shot should be totally out of my system in the next few days.  I have also had quite a bit of abdominal discomfort (not really pain).  I think (and remember I am not a doctor) that this is a result of ovulating multiple eggs.  The follicle that holds the egg is actually a fluid filled sac.  After an egg is released from the follicle the fluid has to go somewhere ... right?.  A woman typically only ovulates one egg at a time so it is not common to feel any discomfort.  I believe because I released at least four eggs the amount of fluids released from the follicles has caused me some discomfort.  The fluid eventually gets reabsorbed by my body and the pain subsides.  I had the most discomfort on Tuesday (1dpiui) and Wednesday (2dpiui).  This would make sense.  The pain has all but disappeared now.

I have also made the decision to test out my trigger shot.  I swore up and down that I would not POAS until at least 14dpiui.  I lied.  I just need to be doing something and this gives me something to do.  I know ... I am lame.  So I bought some cheap tests on the Internet and I plan to keep myself busy by taking a test each day until I get a negative.  Then I will know for sure that the trigger shot has left my body.  The I will keep up the marathon until I get another positive :) or until I start my period :(.  I am going to hope for the positive!


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