Friday, June 13, 2014


We had our first (but definitely not our last) urgent care visit this week.  Sigh.  Perhaps I should keep a scorecard?

My family, since I was a little kid, travels to Cedar Point every summer to spend a few days lounging on the beach and screaming our heads off on roller coasters!!  And of course since the boys were born we have made it a point to carry on the tradition.  My parents now pull their camper up to The Point a few times each summer and we always try to go up for at least a few days.  There is no better feeling in the world than watching my little boys experience the wonders and awes of Cedar Point.  I have so many wonderful memories of my summers up North.

We made a trip to Cedar Point this past week.  We had arrived several hours prior to the hotel check-in time in order to maximize our vacation time.  We had been walking the boys around the property a bit in order to get them to take a nap.  So after the brief stroller semi-nap Grandma suggested that I stop by the hotel to see if we could check-in just a bit early.  So as I was checking-in Kara and Grandma got the boys out of their strollers to run around a bit.  The next thing I hear is a sobbing Jakob.  He had tripped over the wheel of the stroller and fell straight into the corner of the wood table in the lobby.  And so within seconds I see Kara dashing off to the restroom with Jakob.  When I see Grandma trailing close behind I ask, "Is he okay?" and I think Grandma responded along the lines of "I think it's bad" and that was all I needed to go chasing after Kara and Jakob.  And actually, in the end, the visual I have in my memory of Kara and Jakob in the bathroom as I came through that door has continually made me laugh through this whole adventure.  I run into the restroom and Kara is literally turning around in circles while blood is spewing out of a cut above Jakob's eye and she is going "There are no paper towels.  Why don't they have any paper towels?  Where the F*&( are the paper towels?"  So I immediately grab Jakob and head back to the front desk because I know they will have (1) a first aid kit with some sort of gauze and (2) probably paper towels within arms reach.  Wrong.  Wrong. Wrong.  Wrong.  You would have thought I had brought a gun shot victim to the front desk.  There were two young girls working the front desk and both stood paralyzed with fear when I said, "I need paper towels and a first aid kit."  They just stood there and stared at me.  I thought "Surely they didn't hear me.  And maybe they don't see the blood that is pooling on the floor beside me."  So I gave it another shot and this time I simplified it, "Paper Towels.  First Aid Kit."  Yep.  Nothing.  Just crickets.  Though this time one of the girls turned around and ran into a back room.  But she didn't come back.  I'm still not entirely sure where she went.  Maybe to get a drink?  Or to turn in her resignation?  Anyhow in the end it was the young man on the other side of the lobby who was sweeping the floor that sprung into action.  I didn't know it but he had run off to grab some paper towels and an ice pack once he saw me come out of the bathroom with Jakob.  I wish I would have gotten his name.  He needs a promotion.  Maybe even to the front desk.  I hear there might be an opening.  Anyhow.  We put some pressure on the cut and it stopped bleeding within minutes.  We managed to calm Jakob down while we waited for EMS to arrive on the scene.  I guess that happens when you get injured in a public place.  Here is our little Jakob as we were waiting for him to get checked out.

I was really hoping that we wouldn't need stitches.  Can we say denial?  The gentlemen from EMS took one look at it and knew it was going to at least need glued shut.  Because we were from out of town he offered to come have someone from Cedar Point drive us to the hospital so we didn't have to worry about getting lost.  It was a very kind gesture and without really thinking about it we took him up on the offer.  However, as we were waiting for the vehicle to come and pick us up I began to regret our decision.  We weren't really in an emergency situation.  Jakob was just fine.  I'm sure his head hurt but we didn't need to be rushing anywhere.  I didn't have proper supplies to drag a toddler to a hospital for hours on end and I would have to go by myself as the car only allowed for one other adult  Plus I would much rather visit an urgent care then a hospital if at all possible.  So once the car arrived to take us to the hospital and the car seat in the vehicle was all but still in the box I looked at the driver and said, "Thanks.  But I think this is overkill.  I'm going to drive myself."   This was the best decision in the end.  Alex stayed with Grandma and Grandpa while Kara and I took Jakob to the closest urgent care we could find per Google Maps.  And I want to add in what a blessing it was to see Alex react in this situation.  Alex immediately knew that Jakob was hurt and he did nothing but behave like a gentleman during the entire situation.  He was totally being ignored and he stood patiently and did not make a noise until he knew all was okay with Jakob.  It was so sweet.  

I cannot say enough about the wonderful care we received from the folks at the urgent care.  We were only in the facility for a total of 60 minutes and every staff member was so very kind to all of us.  And Jakob did an amazing job.  Here is my tough man waiting for the doctor to come take a look at the cut.

In the end the cut was actually very deep.  So it was decided that Jakob would need stitches.  Sigh.  I knew this was going to be fun.  The put some numbing cream on the cut to help minimize the burning and pain from the injections of lidocaine.  Kara actually held Jakob while they did the stitches.  I knew she would be better at it.  So basically Kara laid down on the table and then bear hugged Jakob on top of her.  So she had hold of his arms and hands.  Another nurse held his head still and then I stood at the foot of the bed and held his feet.  He was a champ.  He cried a lot but he never really pulled away from us.  It was just a frightened cry.  Can you blame the guy?  Grandma had given Jakob a giraffe when he first got to Cedar Point that day and Jakob was holding on to that giraffe with all his might while getting stitches.  Jakob left with 6 stitches above his left eye.  Here is our little champ on the way home.

So far the cut seems to be healing just fine.  Jakob knows he has a boo-boo.  He will point to it when you mention it.  We made an appointment for next week with our pediatrician to get the stitches taken out.  

So who will be next?



  1. Well, goodness! I'm glad little mister is alright! Sounds like you ALL had a great adventure to share later, when the stress settled.

  2. what a brave boy!! so glad he was all smiles afterwards! your sons are so blessed to have you both! <3

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well I am glad he got a lollipop at the end. That always helps. I hope it was quick and not too painful. It is always such a frightening experience for children at emergency rooms. It just seems like they are overwhelmed. And then a stranger is coming at their face with a sharp needle. Glad you guys are okay.

    Velvet Foronda @ U.S. HealthWorks Cupertino
