Saturday, January 19, 2013

is this normal?

A night in our life ...

7:00 pm - Silence.  I love sleepy little men.

8:30 pm - Time to pump.  

9:45 pm - I will stay awake until Kara gets home.  I will stay awake until Kara gets home.

10:00 pm - Nope.  I'm asleep.

10:15 pm - "Hi Kara.  Nope.  I was not sleeping.  I'm wide awake." 

Midnight - Kara comes to bed.  [It always makes a Mommy much happier after a beer and some video games.]

2:30 am - Damn alarm clock.  Why did I decide pumping was a good idea?  Right.  Low cost. Healthy boys.

3:15 am - The men are awake.  Time to eat a bottle and change some diapers.

3:45 am - Aww. I love my bed.

3:45 am - "Kara - Did you pee the bed?"

3:45 am - We simultaneously realize that our dog Leo peed on the bed when I was downstairs pumping.

3:45 am - We are now up yelling at the dog and changing the sheets.

4:15 am - We have clean sheets now.  Why can't I fall asleep?

6:30 am - Damn alarm clock.  Who thought it was a good idea for Kara to work on Saturdays??

6:45 am - The men are awake. 

Isn't this how everyone spends their nights??



  1. Ahh, you deserve a nice long nap!! I know you wouldn't trade it for the world though! :) I hope your next nights are filled with zzzs!! Xoxox

  2. If I had a big shiny medal, I would totally give it to you! My wife stopped producing milk at 3 months so we haven't had any middle of the night pump sessions in almost 8 months. I think it's awesome that you're committed to pumping even when it costs you sleep! Go mama!

  3. It was like that when we pumped. Of course, I couldn't do it with work and our schedule, pumping was just not an option after 3 months. Kudos to you for sticking to it!
