Tuesday, July 17, 2012

full circle

A year ago yesterday (July 16, 2011) Kara and I went to PA to visit Kara's mother and stepfather.  I was pregnant.  I also had a really bad feeling that the pregnancy was not viable as I was experiencing some bleeding.  Plus I just had a bad feeling overall.  It was a horrible day.  Yesterday (July 16, 2012) Kara's mother and stepfather came to OH to meet Jakob and Alex.  It was a wonderful day.  A year ago I would have given anything to catch a glimpse into the future to see that things would turn out just fine.  I have thought a lot about the miscarriage since the boys were born.  I have such mixed feelings.  I often wonder about the baby Kara and I lost a year ago.  But then I look at the boys and realize they would not be here had I stayed pregnant.  It is such a weird feeling.  I feel very blessed today.

1 comment:

  1. I understand. The cycle I conceived my boys began on what was the due date of the baby I lost. Sending you hugs.
