Sunday, February 2, 2014

that black cloud


We had another car accident today.  We are okay.  This time we were all in the car.  Our other car.  I'm really glad we only own 2 cars.  I'd be nervous at this point if we owned any more cars.  So let's set the scene ...

It's winter.  The boys are climbing up the walls at home.  Both boys have colds again.  We are all cranky.  Again.  And we know that the boys love to go for car rides.

My exact words - "I have an idea Kara.  Let's drive over and see if I can find that insurance place.  I don't want to wreck the car looking for it on Tuesday morning." ..... HAHAHA!!!  Yes.  I was referencing the location of where I had to go to get an estimate on the car damage from accident #1.

So we all hope in the car for a Sunday afternoon drive!  We were approaching a very busy intersection headed westbound and there was a fire truck (with lights and sirens on) approaching the same intersection going northbound.  I stopped because of the fire truck and we were rear-ended from behind HARD.  Our car again somehow managed to escape with rather minor damage.  But we were in our CRV.  The car that hit us was probably going about 40 mph (although I'm sure that she slammed on her brakes) and it was a smaller Toyota.  I would easily guess that the other driver's car will be considered a total loss.  I was proud of us in this situation.  Kara and I remained extremely calm but I am almost certain that Alex's "first" word is going to be four letters long and start with an "F".  The boys were understandably very upset but not hurt at all.  We managed to calm them down rather quickly.  The cops arrived on the scene very fast.  I wonder if the fire truck called in the accident because someone had already called once I got hold of a dispatcher about 5 minutes after the crash.  The boys did not fuss at all for the 60 minutes that it took to get all the information exchanged between us.  The other driver was cited (and as a side note was already driving a car with party tags).  We were able to drive away with no problems.  We are not sure if the car seats will have to be replaced because of the accident.  The accident from our perspective is considered minor and our research shows at this point the car seats are okay.  The police officers did check both car seats out for us before we put the boys back in them.  So now we have to get another car fixed.

What If?  When we pulled out of the garage today Kara made me stop the car on our court because she looked back and Alex's harness looked loose on his car seat.  Kara got out of the car and tightened it up.  This was the first time we have ever done that.  So what if?  What if Kara hadn't tightened his seat belt?  Would Alex have gotten hurt?  Would we have avoided an accident all together.  It was such a strange series of events for us.

And there have been plenty of other "bad" things that have happened since my original blog post.  But I will spare you the boring details.  I'm not sure I want to remember them to be honest.  I'm just really ready for this black cloud to go away.

But we have each other.  We are all healthy.  That's all that matters.


1 comment:

  1. Damn it. I'm so sorry guys, what a shit storm. When G got in her accident and totaled our Liberty in 2012, I did the same thing Kara did the morning of the accident. Grace was in her car seat on the couch as G put her jacket on and I told her that Gracie's belts looks loose so I tightened them. 10 minutes later the Jeep was totaled. I personally do not believe these types of things are just coincidences. Thanks goodness the boys weren't hurt and that the other driver didn't try and take off or do anything crazy. I'm sorry that this crappy stuff seems to keep happening. :(

    Sending lots of positive energy your way that things will soon improve.
