Thursday, August 1, 2013

a day in the life

I cannot take credit for this idea!  But after reading several blogs we decided it would be neat to document a day in the life of the boys at 14 months old!

We made it to 6:55am!  

You can hear the chit chat over the baby monitor with a bit of screaming thrown in for good measure.  The troops are restless. I (Momma) am responsible for getting the boys up in the morning while Kara takes the dogs for a walk.

Good Morning World!  These are some hungry boys.  It is time to go downstairs.

Now we are happy!  Yum.  Yum.  It is time to change these stinky diapers.  I'm not sure how I would ever change a poopy diaper without the aid of a sippy cup.

All better.  It's time to play before Momma has to go to work.  Farmer Alex gets busy checking on the animals.

Here is a picture of Mommy hard at work! (take note of the coffee mug)

Our first wardrobe change of the day.  That cup of coffee?  There was a bit of a mishap.  No worries!  There were no injuries.  And the graham cracker?  You can call it a before breakfast snack.  We have growing boys!

7:30am: It's off to work for Momma.  This is my view everyday as I say "good-bye" to the family.  So blessed.

8:00am:  Mommy works hard to fix breakfast while the boys tear apart play in the playroom.  On the menu this morning ... Oatmeal, Eggs, and Banana Pancakes.

It's vitamin D time!

8:45am:  It's time for a walk with Mommy!  The boys spend a lot of time outdoors and have absolutely loved going on walks since they were newborns.  Today it is a 3 mile stroll around the neighborhood.  Jakob called shotgun!

9:30am: The boys get juice and water when they get back from the morning walk.  You can see Alex holding onto the sippy cup with all the strength he can muster.  That boy loves him some juice and water.  On the other hand Jakob has already been distracted by some shiny object.

10:00am: It's nap time!  We read the boys two stories before bedtime.  Today it was Happy Hippo Angry Duck and The Going to Bed Book.

11:30am:  It took Jakob about 45 minutes to fall asleep.  So Mr. Jakob is grumpy when it is time to wake-up.  Too bad.  We keep on a tight schedule in this household.  It's time to get dressed and have our bottles!
Don't we look dapper?

Noon: It's lunchtime!  We need to eat a big lunch because ...

... we are off to the park!!

The first item on the agenda at the park.  The swings.  The boys could swing all day long!

Next up ... the ducks!! The boys love to watch the ducks at the pond.

The boys spent the rest of the time at the park running around like crazy men.  Ok.  That's not totally true.  Alex sat next to the stroller trying to figure out how it works and Jakob ran around like a crazy man.

2:30pm:  It's nap time.  And after a bad morning nap (cough cough Mr. Jakob) and a few hours at the park the boys were exhausted!  Both slept soundly until 4pm when it was time to get up.  I told you we keep to a schedule.

Now it is milk time again.  The boys are usually really fussy after this nap so we are still trying to workout where the best place is to take the sippy cups.  The crib seems to be the best at this point.

4:15pm:  We get to play while we wait for Momma to get home from work.  Today we have turned our chairs into push carts.  Hold on Snoopy!!

4:30pm: Momma is home.  I get to see this everyday!

4:40pm:  And faster than we can blink in this house it is time to say "good-bye" to Mommy.

4:45pm:  The boys get to play while I cook put together dinner.  Alex is just hoping he doesn't get food poisoning tonight.

5:00pm: Dinner!  How did I do?  On the menu tonight ... Banana Pancake, Hot dog, Peaches, and Orzo Salad.  That all goes together.  Right?

The dogs love dinner time too!

5:30pm:  The boys get to play in the living room and watch Super Why while I clean-up from dinner.  This is the only television of the day.  But actually there always is very little television watching these days.  Why would we want to watch television when we can climb-up on objects?  Back in the day I could put them in the pack-n-play. Not so much now!

We love to play with the dog stuff!

5:45pm:  It's now time for a walk with Momma!  This time we only do 2.5 miles.  I always give the boys a high-five after we finish the walk.

And of course we get juice and water when we get back.  It's hard to push that double stroller the whole way!

And now it is playtime with Momma before we get ready for bed.  A little light reading anyone?

7:00pm:  It is bath time!  We have been introducing the potty to the boys.  They sit on it every night before they get in the tub.  They have no idea what is going on but we want them to not be afraid of the potty.  And actually Jakob has peed in the potty several times.  Here is Jakob inspecting the situation!

Alex is slowing starting to warm up to the idea of the big bath tub.  Now if only I could get him to actually sit in the tub.

The boys get a final sippy cup before bedtime.  We brush our teeth.  And then it is story time.  I think Alex is ready for some books.

Tonight we read Mommy, Mama, and Me and The Going to Bed Book (it's a favorite).

And it is bedtime!  Right on schedule ... heck ... tonight we managed to be a minute early!!

It was a great day!



  1. Kara, this is awesome! I'm so glad you did a day in the life! I absolutely love doing it myself. :) I am glad it has caught on, because it's awesome to see all the different days for each of the kids!

  2. I love this! At some point I'm going to totally steal this idea. :)

    My favorite picture is the one of your family as you leave for work, so sweet!

  3. okay, so i LOVED this post and have a big smile on my face!!! it was so neat to follow along a day in the life of you, kara, jakob and alex. thank you so much for sharing. what a busy, beautiful family you are!
    i have seen posts like this, and yours was my favorite!!
    wishing you a wonderful wednesday! xoxox
