Thursday, April 14, 2011

i feel like i am on repeat

I have officially been inseminated (again). 

The procedure was essentially the same today.  However, I have officially renamed donor cb*** to Captain America!  He had super numbers today.  We had a sperm count of 65 million with 82% motility post thaw.  Not too shabby for a frozen sample.  I just told the little guys (as I was once again doing the post insemination relaxation) that someone needs to volunteer to be the leader.  We can't just have all followers in the group.  And there should be absolutely no swimming around in circles.  If you are lost, ask your tour guide for a map.  This should not be very hard!  I was fortunate enough to actually have my RE do the IUI procedure today.  And it made a world of difference.  She is just a super calm and relaxed person and all that positive energy puts me in a much better place.  The other doctors (while super nice) have always been in a much bigger hurry.  I just felt good about things today.  The remainder of my day ended up being super stressful so that does worry me a bit even though I rationally know that whatever was going to happen would happen no matter my stress level.  It would have just been nice to keep the positive momentum for the remainder of the day.  So now I wait ... again .... I'm really getting good at this whole waiting game!  I will continue to hope for the best. 


1 comment:

  1. 82% motility!!! i didn't even think such a thing existed! captain america indeed! now, meet your match, dudes! fingers crossed for you :)
