Tuesday, February 19, 2013


My new favorite thing in this world is the kisses I get from Jakob and Alex each day.  Yep.  My boys have both learned how to give kisses.  Jakob figured it out last week.  It was only a few days of wide open mouth slobbery kisses before he actually learned how to pucker his lips.  Now all you have to do is pucker your lips and say "Jakob kiss" and he more than obliges to your request.  Sometimes I think he is thinking, "Not again Momma."  Jakob also loves to give any object a kiss.  He does not discriminate.  A ball.  Lots of kisses.  His Eeyore stuffed animal.  Lots of kisses.  His brother Alex.  Lots of kisses.  It is the best.  Alex just figured out kisses this week.  But what's better is that Alex still does the open mouth slobber kiss.  Love it!!!  And you can tell that Alex is giving a lot of thought to his kisses.  Seriously these kisses ... my favorite aspect so far of being a parent.  I wish I could bottle up the emotions I feel each time I get a kiss from my boys.   


1 comment:

  1. Awe, that's so sweet! Baby kisses are the best thing ever. I'm not sure when things changed for Gracie but for about the past month her baby kisses have turned into attempts to eat our faces, lol! The girl wants to bite everything in sight. Enjoy those soft and sweet kisses while they last. ;)
