Friday, February 19, 2016


Can you tell I am pregnant with baby #3?  This blog kind of falls by the wayside.  This poor child probably won’t have any pictures either.

We had our anatomy scan with the MFM last week at 18w1d.  Our baby boy looked absolutely perfect.  And for that we could not be more thankful.  Despite all the stress this pregnancy has brought the one thing that has remained constant is our little boy.  We actually had the same u/s technician for our anatomy scan as we did while we were pregnant with the boys.  We were thrilled about this.  The u/s tech did a quick measurement of my cervix and it is measuring at 4.4cm.  This is great.  We obviously didn’t have any problems with my cervix length until 26 weeks during my twin pregnancy but I will still be content with the results at this past u/s.  The u/s tech then spent about 40 minutes measuring every single part of our baby boy.  And let me just tell you that baby boy would not hold still for anything.  He was moving all over the place.  He actually completely flipped over at one point during the u/s.  Do we have another Jake on our life?  Our baby boy, who was clearly a boy on u/s, was measuring approximately 18w4d on every measurement except for the head.  SHOCKER.  Another baby with a super large head.  Our baby boy was sporting a head measurement of approximately 19w6d … YIKES.  The u/s tech even repeated the measurement six times to make sure it was accurate.  I could hear Kara giggling over in the corner.  What can I say?  My genetics create humongous heads.   The u/s tech was still able to see the hematoma on the u/s too.  It is measuring rather small (that’s great) at about 2cm x 1cm and it is not located near the placenta (that’s great) but it does still exist and as a result increases my risk in this pregnancy.  The hematoma is situated between the uterus wall and my bag of water.  So it can, if it grows, put me at an increased risk of PPROM (preterm premature rupture of membranes ).  Just add it to my list.  So for those you counting at home my current risk factors are …

(1) AMA (advanced maternal age)
(2) previous preterm birth as a result of PPROM
(3) I have an elevated TSH measurement.
(4) I have a measurable SCH (subchorionic hematoma) that has already caused significant bleeding episodes and is still visible in the 2nd trimester.

So all of these risk factors get me a continued pass to visit the high risk doctor.  We go back at 22w1d for another growth u/s.  And in the meantime I will continue to hold my breath that all goes ok.  We continue to inch ever closer to viability and yet as we inch closer and closer to that date I get more and more nervous.

We also got to record the heartbeat at the u/s.  That was neat!  The u/s tech gave us a teddy bear that had the heartbeat recorded on it but of course our fabulous boys at home managed to erase the recording within 5 minutes of being home.  Oops.  But thankfully we have the recording saved on our phones too.  Yay!

I continue to get the P17 injections.  The appointments are very quick each week but I appreciate them nonetheless.  I get to hear the heartbeat on doppler and it brings me some reassurance.  The nurse also checks my BP and then gives me the weekly injection.  The injections do hurt but the pain/burning only lasts about 10 seconds.  I seem to have less soreness on my right side so we have resorted to doing the injections on that side.  I tend to get an upset tummy with each injection but that has been my only symptom.  I do think the injections have kept my uterus a bit more calm.  I have had fewer Braxton hicks contractions with this pregnancy.  But then again it could be because I don’t have twins this time.  No one will ever know.

Our upcoming appointments include the OB at 20w4d and the MFM at 22w1d.  I will also continue to have weekly P17 injections through week 36 (only 17 more to go OUCH).


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