Friday, March 20, 2015

another bath story

The shenanigans continue …

Jakob got a bit excited in the bathtub last night and after getting a couple of warnings about splashing water outside of the tub I had to take him out of the tub.  Alex continued to play for a bit longer as I was getting Jakob all dried off and dressed in his pajamas.  Of course Alex decides to start partaking in the mischievous behavior initiated by Jake and begins filling up the spoon** and dumping the water outside of the tub.  Alex got a couple of warnings before I yanked the spoon out of his hand and sternly told him to step out of the tub.  This is the conversation that took place …

Me: “Nope.  You are done.  Out of the tub.”
Alex: “No.  I was cooking!”
Me: “You are not cooking.  You are making a mess.  Out.  Now.”
Alex: (as he is climbing out of the tub) “I sad.”
Jake: “No be sad Alex.  I had to get out tub too.  I being bad.  You being bad.  We all bad.  It okay.”
Alex: “I want to cook.”
Jake: “No brother.  You in trouble.  You come lay next to me.”
(Alex lays down next to Jakob and Jakob starts to pat his back)

Be still my heart.  Though I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that "being in trouble" is commonplace in our house.

** a utensil used in our nightly television show  “Cooking in the Tub with Jake and Alex”


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