Thursday, April 4, 2013


I think I have a unique perspective.  I am a twin.  And I am currently raising twin boys.
We had a rough night of sleep the other night.  I’m not complaining.  I mean I can count on my hands the number of times the boys have woken-up in the middle of the night since we put in the “sleeping through the night” expectation.  Yep.  It has only happened this time.  And really I think the boys are just going through a growth spurt.  So if you combine a somewhat hungry baby with new surroundings in the new house I guess we can expect some middle of the night cry fests.  Anyhow I was in the nursery last night trying to rock Jakob back to sleep and I realized it was the very first time I had sat in that rocking chair since the boys were born with the intention of actually putting a baby to sleep.  I bet that shocks a lot of my readers.  But here is the thing.  It is a completely different ballgame when you are raising twins versus raising a singleton.  There are so many “things” I have never gotten to enjoy because of our situation.  I think it is often why I am so conflicted on having another baby.  I feel like I have missed out on so many things.  And one of those things is rocking my baby to sleep.  But I know just that alone is not a reason to have another child.  And then it got me thinking about my life.  I am not an affectionate person at all.  I actually get picked on all the time because I absolutely hate any outward signs of affection.  I get so uncomfortable when acquaintances lean in for a hug.  I all but panic in those situations.  I have coworkers and friends who make fun of me all the time for my bizarre behaviors.  You should see me trying to comfort a coworker or an acquaintance.  It is hilarious.  It goes something like this, “Oh.  Your dog just died.  I’m sorry. (I give a quick pat on the back)  So did you catch the baseball game last night?”  I just show my love for others in a completely different way.  So I wonder if this is because I was never held a lot as a child.  My mom was busy raising a set of twins and a 4 year old boy.  Jakob and Alex never get held for any long periods of time.  Actually I take that back.  Jakob never gets held for long periods of time.  It’s just not possible.  We can only hold one child at a time (comfortably) and because Alex is going through a fussy phase he by default is the baby that gets held.  So I just wonder if my distaste for affection is a result of being a twin and never getting a lot of “cuddles”.  And I wonder if Jakob and Alex will turn out the same way.  Is it a bad quality?  Or they suffering in some sort of way by being a twin?  But there was a small part of me that treasured the time I shared with Jakob the other night.  We just got to sit in the dark together.  I got to feel him cuddle himself tight against my chest as he tried to calm himself down.  I got to rub my cheeks on the top of his head and just watch him take deep breaths.  And for a moment I got to enjoy rocking my baby to sleep.  I got to be a normal momma.  

[I won’t lie though.  I looked at the clock after 30 minutes and thought, “It is 1:00 am Jakob.  It is time to go to bed.”]


1 comment:

  1. i didn't know you were a twin! :) that's awesome! i love that you write with such honesty.
    i'm so glad you got to rock in your rocking chair and feel that peace. thank you so much for your well wishes! means so much!
    hope you're doing well and settling in!
