Wednesday, January 16, 2013

cute pictures

All I can offer you at the moment is a couple of cute pictures.



I promise to be back soon.  Our life is crazy busy at the moment.

In a nutshell ...

* We lost our one babysitter (and professional baby whisperer) to a fight grandma decided to have with some ice in a grocery store parking lot.  The ice won.  So Kara and I are with the boys 24/7.  I do not remember what the definition of "date night" means.  Though there are rumors that a friend is volunteering some time on Sunday to watch the boys.  I suggested a movie to Kara but I'm afraid I would fall asleep.

* It is crazy at work.  Can we say six week audit??  Not one week.  Not two weeks.  But six weeks!!!! It is week # 1 and I am already exhausted ... How many questions can they ask?

* Did I mention we are in contract on a house?  Yep.  There is that.  I'll be over in the corner rocking myself ... 

* And there is that whole raising two 8 month old little boys and keeping track of 2 dogs and 2 cats.

And we would not trade it for the world.  Though a nap would be nice.

I will be back soon with 8 month updates.



  1. Oh my goodness, you have tons going on! I hope things slow down for you. These pictures are quite adorable though!

  2. They are so so precious! I love Jakob's smile! I hope you get to relax and take it easy a bit! And I hope grandma feels better! Xoxox
