Thursday, March 1, 2012

viability day

I am 24 weeks pregnant today!  This is a big day as it is considered viability day across the medical world.  This means that if I were to end up in the hospital today the doctors would try to save the babies if they were born.  We by no means want them to be born anytime soon but it does provide me some reassurance that at least attempts would be made to save their lives should they be born today.  The babies would have a 39% chance of survival if they were born at 24 weeks.  Each day that they stay inside me is huge from this point forward.  My next big goal is 28 weeks when their survival rate jumps to between 90% and 95%.  So please keep growing big and strong boys.  Your mom does not want you to make an appearance until at least May.

Please keep growing little ones (and stay in my belly).


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